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Corporate Governance

Forza Petroleum believes that strong corporate governance is essential to creating shareholder value, maintaining investor and stakeholder confidence, and conducting business effectively.

Management of Forza Petroleum and its business, and the supervision of such management by the Board, is undertaken in accordance with the Canada Business Corporations Act and the following constating documents:

Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Amendment (November 30, 2020)
Amended and Restated By-Law Number 1†
Majority Voting Policy 


There is clear separation of the roles of the Chair and the Chief Executive Officer to ensure an appropriate balance of responsibility and accountability.

Chair. The Chair is responsible for the effective running of the Board, ensuring that the Board plays a full and constructive part in the development and determination of our strategy, and acts as guardian and facilitator of the Board's decision-making process. 


Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for managing Forza Petroleum's business, proposing and developing the company's strategy and overall commercial objectives in consultation with the Board and, as leader of the executive team, implementing the decisions of the Board and its Committees. In addition, the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for maintaining regular dialogue with shareholders as part of Forza Petroleum's overall investor relations program. 


See the Charter of the Board of Directors for further information regarding the role of the Chair.

† Includes provisions relating to the required advance notice of nominations of directors