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Our Principles

We believe that acting in a responsible manner and working closely together with our host communities not only helps us meet our social commitments but also allows us to meet and exceed our business goals.


Forza Petroleum values the principles of accountability, honesty and integrity in all aspects of our business.


We are committed to achieving the highest principles of corporate citizenship by safeguarding the environment, protecting the health and safety of our workforce and the communities in which we operate, creating and capitalising on opportunities to enhance benefits to society, and respecting all human rights.


Fulfilling our social responsibilities is integral to creating value for our shareholders, employees, partners, host governments and host communities. Social responsibility is at the forefront of Forza Petroleum's thinking and our everyday business practices.


Our commitment to social responsibility is backed up with tangible actions. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities include:

Community Health Services

Our team of medical professionals continued to conduct visits to the communities in the Hawler license area, particularly in the vicinity of the areas in which we operate. This program, which consists of a doctor, a dentist and a paramedic, targets communities with no or limited access to medical facilities.

Scholarship Program and School Supplies

Forza Petroleum continued with its scholarship program for eight children of conflict in Erbil which will allow these children the chance to benefit from a higher level of education. In 2017, we began adding children from communities in the Hawler license area to the scholarship program, with five such children now participating in the program.

Infrastructure Projects

Forza Petroleum contributes to building village infrastructure, including public schools, in the Kurdistan Region. In 2021, infrastructure investments included the drilling or renovating of water wells, construction of new schools in each of the villages of Kawr, Tulaband and Zangal, and improvement of roadway between the villages of Nogharan and Chaluk.




Local Employment

We proactively recruited local people throughout the year from communities within the Hawler license and provided employment opportunities to these citizens. As of December 31, 2021, the ratio of the local national workforce to the total workforce in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq was 79% for Forza Petroleum and its subcontractors with about 36% of the local national workforce coming from communities in the Hawler license area.


We continue to identify and use local service providers and suppliers, giving them an opportunity to build their capabilities and business in different areas.

Land Compensation

During 2021, Forza Petroleum paid approximately $700,000 in compensation for land acquisition in the Kurdistan Region as per the requirements and guidelines of the Ministry of Natural Resources.